【Sex Research Institute】

【私密研究所】男性高潮 5 大冷知識

[Private Research Institute] 5 cool facts about...

Women will want to orgasm! Of course, men are no exception. Do you want to know how to make him enjoy orgasm with you? Come and see the key points...

[Private Research Institute] 5 cool facts about...

Women will want to orgasm! Of course, men are no exception. Do you want to know how to make him enjoy orgasm with you? Come and see the key points...

【私密研究所】4 個讓女人享受的口愛姿勢!

[Private Research Institute] 4 oral sex positio...

Oral sex often brings the most arousing feeling of warmth, moisture and teasing! A good experience, in addition to superb skills, coupled with appropriate body postures, will definitely sublimate the...

[Private Research Institute] 4 oral sex positio...

Oral sex often brings the most arousing feeling of warmth, moisture and teasing! A good experience, in addition to superb skills, coupled with appropriate body postures, will definitely sublimate the...

【私密研究所】性冷感並不可怕!了解 6 大要點,解決問題!

[Private Research Institute] Sexual frigidity i...

Sexual frigidity is never a regional problem! Even couples in the more open-minded European and American regions* and Japan*, which are familiar to Hong Kong people, are experiencing the same...

[Private Research Institute] Sexual frigidity i...

Sexual frigidity is never a regional problem! Even couples in the more open-minded European and American regions* and Japan*, which are familiar to Hong Kong people, are experiencing the same...

【私密研究所】7 種分辨女生高潮的小反應

[Private Research Institute] 7 little reactions...

People often ask, how do you tell if a girl has orgasmed? This article will summarize 7 small physiological reactions that may accompany orgasm in women. How on earth do...

[Private Research Institute] 7 little reactions...

People often ask, how do you tell if a girl has orgasmed? This article will summarize 7 small physiological reactions that may accompany orgasm in women. How on earth do...


【Intimate Research Institute】How deep is our va...

Whether in today's society or on the Internet, most of what is talked about is the size and length of a man's penis. The issue of female vagina is rarely...

【Intimate Research Institute】How deep is our va...

Whether in today's society or on the Internet, most of what is talked about is the size and length of a man's penis. The issue of female vagina is rarely...


[Private Research Institute] A big dismantling ...

Everyone should know that birth control pills are divided into "pre-take" and "post-take", but do you know the differences between them? Are there any side effects? How should we choose?...

[Private Research Institute] A big dismantling ...

Everyone should know that birth control pills are divided into "pre-take" and "post-take", but do you know the differences between them? Are there any side effects? How should we choose?...